Sunday 10 January 2010

Anita trekking

Having cooled off in the pounding surf, we walked through the last stretch of jungle to Arrecifes enjoying piercing bird song and bats swooping overhead as the light faded.


  1. Hey Fi and Anita, Happy New Year darlings and thank you for the wonderful insight into your journey...its just so beautiful and I can't get over the wonderful colours of houses, cars, people...everything really. Also love the huge prehistoric boulders just lying around everywhere, especially the beaches..just stunning. You're missing the biggest snow in 30 years here...poor you. Love you both loads, keep it coming xxxx Kate xxx

  2. Dearest Chick and Fizz: Ditto Kate's coments! How lovely to follow your voyage! Bravo Andy and John for faciltiating the blog and you guys for fab narrative and pics. With you always in spirit, sending hearts full of love, stay safe and, as Kate says, kleep it comin'....Kit (Kitoula, Kitty, Lula)

  3. It all looks so amazing. Thank you for sharing it all with us. How long is your trip? When are you due back?

  4. Hallo Fiona and Anita - Wonderful to read your blog - done most beautifully and wonderful photos. [I am currently trying to get mine set up but it doesn't look anything like yours yet, so back to my drawing board. For when I do get it going, see: . Your trip so far looks like a dream - so much colour and warmth - especially when you read it while looking out at 10" snow and 3ft icicles dripping off the windows. I cant think that my forthcoming trip is going to be quite so jolly as I've found out that us volunteers are not allowed to drink in the house and only in the town on Fridays and Saturdays!! Also, I can only take 10kg of luggage as we get into Ayacucho on a very small plane. 10kgs for a month - you've got to be kidding! How is your Spanish Fiona? Are you managing to chat to the locals? I am still plodding on with mine but have slowed down a bit now that I have hit the past and future tenses. I think by March, I should know enough to get by. That's it for now, back to upgrading my blog! Lots of love to you both, Vikki

  5. What a lovely way of sharing your trip with everyone! Can't wait to log into the next addition! Lots of love x Keely x

  6. Wow! photos are quite breathtaking. Dramatic part of the world. Have a great trip.
