Monday 18 January 2010

Coffee Farm

Colombia has thousands of acres of coffee plants and here are some of them. They grow only "arabica" (more taste, less caffeine) and because this area lies between the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn, it has ideal temperature and rainfall for coffee to grow abundantly. The altitude is also ideal, around 1,200m.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Fiona and Anita - Amazing journey, wonderful to follow your travels via your fabulous blog. You'v really got the hang of it and it's just like reading a Michael Palin travelogue! Keep it up. Having looked at your log bridge I'm not sure I could have coped with that! I'm a bit of a woos when it comes to crossing raging rivers with only a bit of rope between me and death! I have started working in a nursery school to get the hang of entertaining 3-year olds! Not very good at it yet and that's when I can speak the same language. Hey ho, what have I let myself in for? Do, please e-mail me if you have a chance - and let me know how your Spanish is coming along and also, what camera are you using. I seem to have lost mine in the snow of the last few weeks and will probably have to buy a new one. Yours seems great. Lots of love to you both. Hasta luego mis amigas. Vikki
