Tuesday 9 February 2010

Avenida Montes, La Paz

Safely back in La Paz, I spent one last night here in the Adventure Brew Hostel on this busy street. You get a free pint of English Ale when you check in! Relaxed and enjoyed the view of Illimani mountain in the distance. La Paz is a frenetic, chaotic, loud and polluted place, an anthill inside a rabbit warren, a tripped-out, dangerous but cheerful place. Colectivos (shared taxi-vans) swarm the congested streets with people hanging out of them shouting the names of various destinations. There's even a witches' market here selling charms, herbs and more gruesome items like llama foetuses. I really enjoyed it here.

1 comment:

  1. A dab hand indeed with the camera..what one are you using?
    No doubt all this will be going into a travel guide of your own. Fascinating stuff indeed. Freezing our nuts off here! x C-W
