Tuesday, 16 February 2010

La Diablada Carnaval

1 comment:

  1. Hallo Fiona - Haven't followed your blog for a bit so was absolutely bowled over by all the wonderful pictures you have added and adventures that you have been up to. Carnival looks spectacular, absolutely amazing to see all that. I would definitely pass on the mine though. What an incredible journey you are having. A couple of weeks til I leave - Spanish has come to a standstill but I guess I will get by somehow! There are to be six other volunteers at the same time as me but I know for sure that none will be such fun as you as a travelling companion. Hey ho, never mind, it's off to work I go! I am so glad to have your blog to follow which I will do, probably on a daily basis, once I am away as it will be something to look forward to each day. What am I letting myself in for? No turning back now. Have fun, more fun and more fun. Loads of love, Vikki xx
